Before the begining of the thesis creation process – read Regulations of the diploma process of the WSGE University of Applied Sciences in Józefów
STEP no 1: Selection of the promoter (thesis supervisor)
The diploma thesis is prepared during the seminar, which is conducted by the supervisor. Lists of supervisors and reviewers are approved by the Senate. Enrollment for diploma seminars for a particular supervisor is carried out at the Education Service Office at the appointed time. After this date, the supervisor is assigned administratively.
STEP no 2: Submission of the thesis topic
After choosing the Supervisor, the student is required to submit the title of the diploma thesis with the signature of the supervisor’s approval – no later than by 31 October (when the seminar begins in the winter semester) or until March 31 (when the seminar begins in the summer semester).
The Committee for Quality of Studies analyzes and checks the compliance of the presented topics of the diploma theses, after which they are approved by the Senate.
The topic diploma thesis application form should be first collected and the filled out and submitted to the Education Service Office.
The student, in consultation with the supervisor, may change the topic of thesis, but not later than by the end of the first semester of the diploma seminar.
The subject (topic – title) of the diploma thesis should be related to the field of study and refer to the major.
STEP no 3: Preparation of thesis
The work is prepared on its own, it means – it should contain a significant own contribution of the student’s work.
Collection of materials should take place from the moment the promoter accepts the topic, in the first month after the beginning of the last academic year.
Parts of the work are successively passed to the promoter, who accepts them or makes comments to make changes.
The final version of the written work is presented to the supervisor in full – no later than two weeks before being submitted to the Education Service Office.
Submitting the thesis is a necessary condition for completing a diploma seminar or other classes leading to the submission of a thesis.
In special cases, a student who has completed all subjects covered by the study plan, with the exception of a thesis seminar, may be allowed to submit a diploma thesis not later than within the next two semesters. The student then repeats the subject of the diploma seminar on the terms of payment determined by the Rector.
Editorial requirements
The diploma thesis should meet the following formal and editorial requirements:
- the volume of bachelor’s or engineer’s thesis should be in the dimension from 40 to 70 typescript pages, while the master thesis – from 60 to 100 (the pages are counted from the Introduction to the Conclusion),
- the work should be prepared in the Microsoft Office Word editor format (doc, docx) or Open Office (odt),
- font and margins:
- Times New Roman font,
- font size 12 points, 1,800 characters on A4 page (30 lines of 60 characters),
- line spacing – 1.5 lines,
- margins: top, bottom, right – 2.5 cm, left margin – 3.5 cm.
The edition of the diploma thesis: the way of citing, references to literature, list of cited works, etc. should be consistent with the standards adopted in a given discipline.
The final printed version of the diploma thesis should meet the following conditions:
- two-sided computer printout,
- paper format – A4,
- pages permanently connected to each other, clamp cover with hard back.
The final electronic version of the diploma thesis should meet the following conditions:
- recording in one file on an electronic medium (CD-R, DVD-R) in PDF file format and doc.,
- a disc described in the place intended for this and submitted in the paper described envelope, without sticking to thesis; in the description of the disc should be put: author’s first name and surname, album number, major and the year of thesis defense.
The content of the diploma thesis:
The diploma thesis must contain in order:
- Title page according to the pattern (WORD),
- Keywords – from 3 to 5 keywords related to the topic and content of the thesis,
- Table of contents – all the components of the diploma thesis are placed in the table of contents in chronological order with a clear division into chapters and sub-chapters with the exact details of the pages from which they start,
- Introduction – the introduction should include such elements as:
- clarifying the subject of the thesis,
- explanation and justification of the choice of topic,
- the object of research, the purpose/objective (purposes/objectives) of research and research problems,
- presentation of the hypotheses posed in the thesis,
- listing of the research methods used in the diploma thesis,
- presentation of subsequent chapters indicating the guiding thoughts in them,
- presentation of the state of knowledge from a given topic and the nature of the sources used in writing the thesis – literature, reports, studies, textbooks, the Internet.
- Chapters and subsections – these are the most important parts of the work. Keep in mind that:
- each chapter begins with a new page, and the subsection can be separated by an empty line,
- the title of the chapter and its number written in Roman numerals should be centered,
- work should contain at least three chapters,
- the title of the subsection and its number written in Arabic numeral,
- the construction of chapters and subchapters should not be complicated,
- at the beginning of each chapter, you should write briefly what is the main idea of the chapter will concern.
- Conclusion – the conclusion should include the summarization of the thesis It should contain statements about theses of the thesis and justification, as well as it should be written whether the theses founded in the introduction were refuted or confirmed and whether the goals were achieved while writing the thesis, it means – you should briefly summarize the result the author reached in the chapters and subchapters.
- Bibliography – items used to write a thesis placed at the end of the work after the main text and the conclusion.
You should show self-reliance in using the literature, that is, the studies on a given topic:- bibliographic items can be written down according to the types of sources: books; articles in magazines; unpublished materials; normative acts; statistical sources; the Internet sources;
- for the Internet sources, please provide the exact address of the website and the date when the material was used;
- one system should be established with the promoter for storing bibliographic items and used in entire paper.
Other important elements of the diploma thesis:
- footnotes – are proof that when writing a thesis the student used the literature, there is no plagiarism or speculation. Footnotes give information about the source literature or legal provisions referred to in the work. The footnote should be on the page of the text at the bottom of the page. You can also place footnotes in the text or at the end of the chapter, but the promoter decides about it. Footnotes can be edited in various ways, but their chosen form must be uniform throughout the entire thesis,
- quotes – should be given a footnote (reference) and enclosed in quotation marks.
STEP no 4: Checking in the anti-plagiarism program
The diploma thesis must be checked in JSA – Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System. The analyzes of the thesis paper is carried out by a supervisor within 7 days. Acceptance of the anti-plagiarism report is necessary to submit a thesis to the Education Service Office. If the thesis is plagiarism, it is not allowed to be defended. The thesis paper can be subjected to 4 tests in JSA – Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System.
STEP no 5: Submission of the diploma thesis
The student submits the approved thesis to the Educational Service Office in two copies:
- the first – bound (to the student’s file), with the thinnest ridge,
- the second – in the electronic version (CD).
The final text of the thesis, in the version to be defended, is submitted to the Education Service Office at least 2 weeks before the set date of defense. The student also needs to submit:
- the student departure card,
- on the day of submitting the diploma thesis, the student shall pay a fee of PLN 100 for issuing the graduation diploma.
STEP no 6: Diploma examination
The diploma exam should take place not later than one month from the date of submitting the diploma thesis. For justified reasons, the Vice-rector for Studies may extend this term by another month. The condition for admission of a student to the diploma exam is:
- obtaining the positive grades from subjects included in the curriculum, confirming achievement of the assumed learning outcomes and obtaining the number of ECTS points determined in the study program for a given field of study,
- passing professional student internships or other activities of a special nature, if they are included in the study program,
- obtaining a positive assessment of the diploma thesis from the supervisor and reviewer and if it is a case, the positive opinion of the entity commissioning the subject of practical work,
- settlement of all liabilities towards the University (financial liabilities, liabilities towards the University Library, etc.) and submission of the circulation card and other required documents to the Education Service Office.
The diploma exam is an oral exam. During the diploma exam, the student answers three questions:
- 2 randomly drawn questions:
- the first question from the pool of general questions for the field of study,
- second question from the pool of questions for the major being pursued,
- 1 question on the subject of the diploma thesis formulated by the reviewer:
The questions for final examination can be downloaded from USOS: FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS